Monday, November 22, 2010

The Extra Man

The Extra Man


Morsning korsning och rondellhund! Nu är fröken hemma - igen. på riktigt denna gången. Ingen mellanlandning. Kissarna är nöjda, och så är jag. Igår kväll/inatt och imorses har jag lekt förälder. Åt en 11åring och åt en 13åring. Klart man ska träna på så pass stora barn också! Nä. Men det gick prima .[...]

From Twitter 11-21-2010

00:01:34: RT @RockStarTherapy: "A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence." ~Leopold Stokowski 00:18:18: Clouds that thunder do not always rain. ~ Armenian Proverb 00:41:14: I say, if your knees arent green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-exa.[...]

Snart jul igen

Har knappt smält den kalla vintern som var och nu är vi här igen. Nej, jag är inte så förtjust i vintern alls. Men jag gillar julen. Kan inte fatta att det är första advent på söndag! Än så länge har inte pysselsinnet infunnit sig, men lite extra ljus måste förstås fram till dess. Lagerhaus har en f.[...]

Meet me in St. Louie

(Nicholas helping me fit my skiing boot) Wow, what a weekend. And no, I never even did Saturday jobs like I said I was going to make my children do. Instead we went to the local ski shop and got geared up for the upcoming ski season. My first since the accident. I am nervous and excited and everythi.[...]

Battle of the Blades: The final performances

(Katia Gordeeva and Val Bure perform a new program Sunday on Battle of the Blades.) I'm not just being diplomatic when I say I have no idea who'll win Battle of the Blades Monday night. I've been a fan of Valeri Bure and Ekaterina Gordeeva since Week 1, but I also have a soft spot for Patrice Briseb.[...]


Heute frh gleich um sieben war ich das erste mal in meinem Leben bei einer Massage in einer Physiotherapie. Hatte mich als Selbstzahler angemeldet, 13 Euro 20 Minuten klingt ja nicht schlecht. Ist auch gleich um die Ecke... Aber ich sags euch, schäbig! Drei Liegen in einem Raum, abgetrennt nur mit V.[...]

Road trip! With exclamation points!

On Friday, P and I went to Caroline's school for a Thanksgiving Feast. And I'll just go ahead and confess that my expectations were low. So imagine my surprise when I found the instant mashed potatoes with faux gravy to be delightful. If that isn't a prime indicator of PMS, then I don't what is. Of .[...]

NaNoWriMo 2010 - Nov 21

Not quite as productive as I'd hoped, but still a pretty decent day overall. Fights and magic and giving items and possibly even some foreshadowing. I think Hakon and Signy have some romantic history, though I'm not sure. I don't know how old Signy is, though Hakon is clearly in his 30s or 40s. I'm .[...]

Dexter Season 5 Episode 9 Review & Recap: Teenage Wasteland - Daddy Dearest Evolution

Following up the season of John Lithgow was no easy task for the Dexter creative team. With fans still reeling from Rita's (Julie Benz) death, most wondered just how Dexter (Michael C. Hall) would cope with his wife's tragic loss - which he inadvertently caused. The first few episodes of Dexter Seas.[...]

Fic: Chloe/Dean - The Hollow Men: I Don't Live Today (4a/21)

Chloe's head feels like so meone stuffed an entire copy of War and Peace through her eye sockets. "It's too bright. Why is it so bright?" she asks no one in particular. "How can it be too bright? Your eyes are closed," Sam answers her in a somewhat amused voice. "It's still too bright," Chloe compla.[...]

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