Friday, March 25, 2011

Ralph Nader

Ralph Nader

Fukushima: Breaking News (videos, VO)

Internationalnews Updated March 25 22h37 Videos fr om Maddow, The Realnews, Channel4, Msnbc, Russia Today and NHK Fukushima No. 3 reactor core leaked: report Fukushima Titanic? 'Nuke tech always 'Unsinkable. No end in sight for radioactive releases at Fukushima: IAEA Transcript below the video ms.[...]

Ralph Nader's college scholarship proposal and other political involvements in …
Ralph Nader wants to do away with college athletic scholarships. This is not the first time that Nader has weighed in on a social issue that is part of the fabric of American life. Cynics will suggest that this is an impossible suggestion, given America's obsession with sports. However, it would hav.[...]
Ralph Nader Calls For End to Athletic Scholarships

Ralph Nader is calling for an end to college scholarships for athletes, arguing that college athletes should not be considered professionals. He is suggesting that such scholarships be replaced with financial aid for those who need it, according to his proposal released to the Associated Press. read.[...]

Ralph Nader: Stop Giving Athletes Scholarships

Ralph Nader has set his sites on a new target: college sports. Nader's "League of Fans" group is calling for a ban on college athletic scholarships, as a way to "de-professionalize" school athletic programs. "As we near the exciting conclusion of 'March Madness—which would more accurately be describ.[...]

The Clash of Principles and Interests in the Arab Revolutions
The Clash of Principles and Interests in the Arab Revolutions The Double Standard Trap By ESAM AL-AMIN March 25 – 27, 2011 "To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice." –Confucius On February 15, 1991, then-President George H. W. Bush announced to the Iraqi people an.[...]
Jonathan Rowe, 1946-2011(Jon was Senior Editor at WhoWhatWhy)
Jonathan Rowe was, by inclination, an unobtrusive man. He moved though this world quietly, and he left quietly. He did not promote himself. He was not comfortable seeking recognition. He concentrated instead on substance. Jon died the other day, abruptly, with no warning of any kind, and left behind.[...]
Amy Goodman reminds us of the prophetic statement by Australian journalist Wilfred Burchett who tried to find words to describe the horror he was seeing in Hiroshima in 1945 after the bomb fell. "It looks as if a monster steamroller had passed over it and squashed it out of existence. I write these .[...]
Questions about Libya, Obama, and Kinetic Conflicts

Unlike domestic policy, I am loathe to criticize President Obama on matters of war while we are at war. Then again, apparently this is a kinetic conflict and not an actual war, so maybe there is some latitude. Critics will say that President Obama has absolutely no idea what he is doing. Sycophant s.[...]

Nader throws his hat in the ring

In case you haven't noticed, college sports are at a crossroads. In 2010, agent scandals rocked the college football world, one story after another. Then came the Cam Newton pay-for-play scandal that caused newly elected NCAA president, Mark Emmert, to acknowledge the backlash and vow to make change.[...]

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