Friday, April 15, 2011

Crucifixion Nails

Crucifixion Nails


"We're not saying these are the nails… We're saying these could be the nails." (That is, the nails allegedly used to crucify our Lord Jesus.) Such is the bold claim of award-winning Israeli film director, Simcha Jacobovici, as he presented two rusted iron spikes in his "The Nails of the Cross" docum.[...]

Confusing Nails with the Shroud of Turin

Such thinking as we find by Michael Price (Michael Priceless) in his blog is inevitable, regrettably. Yes, Michael you are probably right about the nails. They are almost certainly fake. The claim is junk science. But why does this remind you of the Shroud of Turin? There is a lot of junk science wh.[...]

Crucified for Us (Matthew 27, Luke 23, John 19)

Image via Wikipedia BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD An Easter Series -- Part 5 of 7 Introduction -- Clamor for Crucifixion A. The religious officials persuaded the crowd to demand the release of Barabbas instead of Jesus. B. The were manipulated, but they allowed themselves to be manipulated. C. Pontius Pila.[...]

I was reading scripture about the crucifixion of Jesus this morning when the scars in His hands were mentioned. In the devotion I was reading, the writer spoke about how we try so hard to hide our scars, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Yet, often those very scars are what have made us to be who .[...]
Getting Nailed
There are many examples of higher and lower animals that hoard things that sustain them. Humans do it too. jpg via For millennia, the faithful have wanted tangible pieces of the intangible-- Relics, whether purported pieces of the cross, the Shroud of Turin, or now the nails that hammered J.[...]
Nails from Jesus' Crucifixion?
A critically acclaimed movie director, Simcha Jacobovici, claims that he has found the nails that held Jesus Christ on the cross. Jesus, of course, is known throughout history, told in the Bible, as the man that died for all of man's sins. These nails have been held in a Tel Aviv university, in the .[...]
Crucifixion Nails Found in Jerusalem

On Wednesday, an Israeli documentary maker reportedly said to have found the crucifixion nails in a cave at Jerusalem which can be linked to the crucifixion of Jesus thousands of years ago. In the History Channel documentary series premiere this week, the nails were exposed to the reporters. Accordi.[...]

Silly Simcha Strikes Back
Apparently Simcha Jacobovici actually believes his own hype and thinks that archaeologists are not taking his idiotic theory about finding the 'nails of Jesus' seriously. How sad. But expected. Listen to this- The Israeli who claims to have identified two nails from Jesus's crucifixion says that the.[...]

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