Friday, May 6, 2011



This time, it's for real, believers say: Doomsday coming this month.
The unexpected and potentially rotten news that the world will end on May 21 rolled into the District on Thursday morning, plastered on a caravan of five recreational vehicles that parked near the Washington Monument. "Have you heard the awesome news?" the side of the RVs asked, in big bold letters. "The End of the World is Almost Here!" As if the message weren't scary enough, the dozen or so.[...]
The Asia Doomsday Scenario

Long-term projections of Asia through 2050 cannot rule out the possibility of a "perfect storm" scenario, whereby the combination of bad macro-policies, exuberance combined with lax financial sector supervision, conflicts, natural disaster/climate change risks, demographic and weak governance could lead to a major setback to Asian growth.[...]

Tell Me About It: Dealing with his personal 'doomsday'

Dear Carolyn: I am in my 50s, married 30 years and have four children and six grandchildren. I am in relatively poor health, but I generally feel good and work out daily.[...]

Final Bin Laden doomsday tape may be released by Al Qaeda disciples

New York, May 3 (ANI): A doomsday tape made by Osama Bin Laden was poised to be released Monday by his Al Qaeda disciples.[...]

'Doomsday scenario' if Syria fails
BEIRUT — The toppling of the presidents in Tunisia and Egypt precipitated a tumult of revolutionary fervor that promises to transform the Middle East, but the potential collapse of the Syrian regime could wreak havoc of a very different kind.[...]
Taiwan doomsday blog sparks panic
Police in Taiwan investigate a self-proclaimed prophet whose doomsday warnings on a blog have caused panic.[...]
SDUSD Prepares for "Doomsday Budget"

The district has cut $400 million over the last four years. Could it really have to cut another $30 to $50 million?[...]

S.D. schools plan for doomsday budget

Tuesday, Kowba will discuss what he calls a doomsday budget, a spending plan that includes up to $50 million in additional cuts.[...]

US Default Could Be Doomsday Option for Economy
Failure to hike debt limit could have dire consequences that ripple across US, global economy[...]

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