Thursday, February 10, 2011

chris lee

chris lee

From Twitter 02-09-2011
01:07:47: The Steven Perez Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @ jeffisageek @365tomorrows 10:13:35: eyes frozen shut (@ CGI) 10:14:00: Good morning, FriendFeed. 10:15:55: It's a little chilly outside. [pic] 10:26:07.[...]
From Twitter 02-09-2011
00:45:20: WHAT THE FUCK? Mcdonalds BBQ Angus ONLY LIMITED TIME? I fucking hate Mcdonald's. They always tease us with barbeque. That's why I go to BK. 00:46:42: Seriously, Mcdonald's just really makes no sense. They know people want the Mcrib, but they make it limited. BK never does that. 00:51:14: I.[...]

So here's a bit to note for that upcoming FOGCon "Lightning Wrath of the Internet" panel: "[New York Republican Representative Chris] Lee experienced his fall from grace in a single afternoon, undone at the speed of the digital age. At lunchtime Wednesday, he was an obscure but promising second-term.[...]

Rep. Chris Lee resigns after reports of Craigslist flirtation

Rep. Chris Lee of New York abruptly resigned Wednesday evening, hours after a gossip Web site reported that the married Republican had allegedly sent flirtatious e-mail messages and a shirtless photo of himself to a woman he met online. Lee experienced his fall from grace in a single afternoon, undo.[...]

Latest Theoretical work by Dwave Systems shows progress to solutions of NP-Hard problems and causes one critic of their quantum computer work to partially recant

A Dwave systems, adiabatic quantum computer, critic (Chris Lee at Ars Technica) has retracted statement that Dwave was borderline fraudulent. Geordie and friends, I am sorry. I don't know if you have a working device, but the theoretical work produced by D-Wave is sharp and a great indication that y.[...]

Chris Lee Craigslist Shirtless Photos Caused His Resignation
Rep. Chris Lee (R-N.Y.) announced early Wednesday evening that he will resign from Congress due to a shirtless photo that Lee allegedly sent to a woman on Craigslist. Lee and the woman met online through the "Women for Men" section of Craigslist (well, at least not on the "Men seeking Men"). The 46-.[...]
R-NY seeks SWF. WTF?

You know, there are some people who, quite simply, are too stupid to be allowed outside their home without a leash. Unfortunately, it appears that...sometimes...we elect such people to public office. Adding yet more weight to the prevailing theory that many males just do not have enough blood to pow.[...]

某资深国会工作人员透露,纽约州众议员Chris Lee因涉嫌半身裸照丑闻,已经辞职。据称议员Chris Lee曾将此照片用电邮发送给一位女士。 周三下午,已婚的两届共和党议员Lee寄出写给众议员议长John A. Boehner的信,告知其辞职的决定。 周三晚间,Lee议员的办公室发表了一份声明,恳求原谅。"我为自己的行为给家庭、员工和选民带来的伤害感到悔恨,"他说,"我深深地诚挚地向他们道歉。我犯下了严重的错误。我一定会尽自己所能来获得他们的谅解。" Lee议员的选区在纽约州西部,2008年竞选成功,接替退休的Thomas Reynolds议员。 去年,纽约北部的一位国会议员,共和党人Eri.[...]
Married Congressman Chris Lee Resigned After Gawker's Revelation

Christopher Lee, a married Republican congressman serving the 26th District of New York resigns after Gawker's revelations of him trolling Craigslist's "Women Seeking Men" forum. He introduced himself as a fit fun classy, divorced lobbyist. (Scorll down to see his Shirtless Craigslist pic below) A 3.[...]

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